At Kalimpong College, we respect the intellectual property rights of others, and we expect our users to do the same. If you believe that any content on our site infringes your copyright, we want to know about it so we can take appropriate action.

Filing a DMCA Complaint

If you believe that something on our site violates your copyright, you can file a Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) notice with us. Here’s what you need to include in your notice:

  1. Your Contact Information: Please provide your full name, mailing address, phone number, and email address so we can reach you if needed.
  2. Description of the Work: Clearly describe the copyrighted work you believe has been infringed. If possible, include a link to the original work so we can verify it.
  3. Location of the Infringing Material: Provide the exact URL or location on our site where the infringing material is found. This helps us quickly identify the content in question.
  4. A Statement of Good Faith: Include a statement that you believe in good faith that the use of the material in question is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.
  5. A Statement of Accuracy: Confirm that the information you’ve provided in your notice is accurate and that you are the copyright owner or authorized to act on behalf of the owner.
  6. Your Signature: Either a physical or electronic signature is required to complete your notice.

Where to Send Your Notice

You can send your DMCA notice to us at:

Email: [email protected]

What Happens Next

Once we receive your DMCA notice, we’ll review it carefully. If the notice is complete and valid, we’ll remove or disable access to the infringing content and notify the user who posted it. They’ll have the opportunity to respond if they believe the removal was in error.

Filing a Counter-Notice

If you’re the user who posted the content and believe it was removed by mistake, you can file a counter-notice with us. Please include the following:

  1. Your Contact Information: Full name, mailing address, phone number, and email address.
  2. Identification of Removed Content: Specify the content that was removed and where it was originally located on our site.
  3. A Statement of Good Faith: Include a statement under penalty of perjury that you have a good faith belief the content was removed due to a mistake or misidentification.
  4. Consent to Jurisdiction: State that you consent to the jurisdiction of the federal court in your district or the district where you live if outside the U.S., and that you’ll accept service of process from the person who originally filed the DMCA notice.
  5. Your Signature: A physical or electronic signature is required.

Send Your Counter-Notice to:
Email: [email protected]

Final Note

We take copyright seriously at Kalimpong College and strive to balance the rights of copyright holders with those of our users. If you have any questions about our DMCA policy or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.