Customer Shocked After Panda Express Mix-Up Leaves Her with an Empty Plate

“I was not expecting that.”

Imagine coming home, excited to dig into your Panda Express meal, only to open the container and find… nothing.

That’s exactly what happened to Jennifer Vee (@jennifervee23), who shared her frustrating experience on TikTok.

What Happened?

Jennifer had ordered a couple of plates from Panda Express, eagerly anticipating her meal. But when she got home and opened one of the containers, it was completely empty.

In a TikTok video that’s now been viewed over 280,000 times, Jennifer shared her disbelief. “Tell me why I go to Panda Express, and I was on standby because this was getting ready,” she says, holding up a small to-go box with food.

“Long story short, I come home, and I look at my carton. It’s empty! They gave me nothing. Like, I need to speak to the Panda Express headquarters this once. I’m so mad. I’m not even playing.”

While she did receive two other items from her order that had food, this one tray somehow slipped through the cracks.

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How Are People Reacting?

Viewers found the situation both amusing and relatable, sharing their own frustrations with Panda Express.

One person joked, “You have to speak to the panda himself!! Lmfao.” Another shared a similar experience:

“The first time I went to Panda Express, I ordered on the app and waited 30 minutes before going, just to make sure it was ready. I got there and waited 2 more hours because they couldn’t find my order.”

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Another viewer recalled their own mishap, saying:

“Lmao, one time they just gave me super greens. I opened it, and I’m like … I literally was waiting for the chicken to cook, and then they don’t even give it to me!!”

Several commenters reminded everyone to always check their food before leaving the drive-thru. “Do people not check their food before leaving the drive-thru?” one asked. Another added, “How did you leave and not check lol.”

Jennifer responded that she was “rushing to leave” and added, “Either way, that still doesn’t justify why my plate was empty when I paid for 2 plates.”

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What Did Jennifer Lose?

Jennifer mentioned that the missing item was a “plate” of food, which typically includes one side and two entrees at Panda Express. In her case, being from Illinois, the cost of that plate could range from $10.50 to $12.50.

Not only did she miss out on her meal, but she also lost up to $12.50. When a commenter suggested she call the store, Jennifer replied, “I called lol,” with a sideways face emoji, implying she didn’t have much luck resolving the issue.

This mix-up is a reminder to always check your order before leaving the restaurant, especially when you’ve paid for it!

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