Andra Day’s Dramatic Weight Loss for Billie Holiday – But She Still Feels Confident in Her Own Skin

Andra Day, the Grammy-nominated singer and Golden Globe-winning actress, made headlines not only for her portrayal of Billie Holiday in The United States vs. Billie Holiday but also for her impressive weight loss journey. To truly embody the jazz legend, Day lost 40 pounds for the role.

However, her weight loss wasn’t about achieving beauty standards, but rather about getting into character. Let’s dive into the details of Andra Day’s weight loss, how it affected her, and what lessons she took away from the experience.

How Did Andra Day Lose 40 Pounds?

Andra Day lost 40 pounds to fully commit to playing the role of Billie Holiday. In her own words, Day explained, “I’ve had people ask me, ‘Do you feel prettier now that you’ve lost weight?’ I was like, ‘Hell, no! I liked being juicy! I was cool.’”

Her weight loss wasn’t driven by the typical Hollywood pressure to look a certain way; instead, it was about aligning herself physically with the frail state Billie Holiday found herself in during difficult moments of her life.

While Andra did notice some physical benefits from the weight loss, such as feeling lighter on her joints, she didn’t feel more attractive because of it. The weight loss was simply a part of the process of bringing Billie Holiday’s story to life.

In an interview, Andra said, “I do like the way (the weight loss) feels on my body, I like the way it feels on my joints. You do notice a difference. But for me, beauty isn’t about being thinner—it’s about confidence and loving yourself.”

Day’s transformation shows that weight loss can be part of a broader, more meaningful journey—not necessarily one tied to appearance or fitting into societal beauty standards.

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Andra Day’s Relationship with Beauty Post-Weight Loss

Interestingly, despite losing 40 pounds, Andra Day doesn’t believe she looks more beautiful than before. Instead, she expressed that she loved her body the way it was, even before the weight loss. “I was cool being juicy,” she said, showing that her confidence didn’t depend on her physical appearance.

Her approach to beauty is refreshing in a society that often equates thinness with attractiveness. Day emphasizes that beauty comes in many forms and that confidence is key.

She believes that there’s no such thing as a “classic beauty” and that different cultures and time periods have their own unique interpretations of beauty. “It’s just about being confident, loving yourself, and understanding your value,” Day added.

This mindset is incredibly empowering for anyone struggling with body image. It highlights that beauty isn’t about size—it’s about how you feel about yourself and whether you embrace your own worth.

Andra Day’s weight loss journey wasn’t about becoming a more traditionally “beautiful” version of herself; it was about embracing her role and learning new things about her body and her inner strength.

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Andra Day’s Preparation for the Role of Billie Holiday

Aside from weight loss, Andra Day underwent intense preparation for her role as Billie Holiday. The movie, which revolves around the jazz singer’s life and struggles, including her battle with addiction and her clashes with law enforcement, required Day to channel Holiday’s physical and emotional struggles.

To prepare, Day not only altered her physical appearance but also delved deeply into the psychological aspects of the role.

Andra Day’s Dramatic Weight Loss for Billie Holiday – But She Still Feels Confident in Her Own Skin

Her dedication extended beyond just acting; she drew from her personal experiences to fully immerse herself in the part. In fact, Day herself had fought her own battles with addiction. This connection to Holiday’s struggles allowed her to honor the singer in a more profound way.

In playing this role, Day says she learned to value herself in new ways. “It was almost like she [Billie Holiday] said, ‘Sis, we’re going to have to close this because I have to survive,’” Day shared. This experience strengthened her self-confidence, helping her see her own worth more clearly.

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The Lessons Andra Day Took Away from Her Weight Loss

Despite her significant weight loss, Andra Day didn’t let it change her perspective on herself. If anything, it strengthened her view that beauty is not dependent on appearance. For Day, losing weight wasn’t about fitting into societal beauty norms—it was about getting into character and embodying Billie Holiday’s physicality at the time.

One of the biggest lessons Andra took away from this experience was the importance of self-love and confidence. She didn’t lose the weight to feel more attractive or to conform to anyone’s standards; she did it to honor her craft. In fact, she has openly admitted that she didn’t feel more beautiful after losing the weight.

Ultimately, Andra Day’s story serves as a reminder that beauty is subjective and that it’s more important to be confident in yourself than to adhere to any external expectations.


Why did Andra Day lose weight?

Andra Day lost 40 pounds to play the role of Billie Holiday in The United States vs. Billie Holiday. The weight loss was necessary to accurately depict Holiday during some of the more challenging moments in her life.

Did Andra Day feel prettier after losing weight?

No, Andra Day has stated that losing weight did not make her feel prettier. She emphasized that she liked her body the way it was and that beauty is about confidence, not size.

How did Andra Day lose the weight?

Though the specific details of her diet and exercise routine haven’t been fully disclosed, it’s known that she lost weight to physically resemble Billie Holiday during the tough times of her life.

What did Andra Day learn from her weight loss?

Andra Day learned that beauty doesn’t come from weight loss or fitting into societal standards. Instead, she believes that confidence, self-love, and understanding your own value are what makes someone beautiful.

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