SSI Payment of $943 Will Be Credited in 2 Weeks – Are You Eligible?

For those who rely on Supplemental Security Income (SSI), there’s some exciting news on the horizon. In just two weeks, recipients can expect a payment of up to $943 to be credited to their accounts.

This development is part of the Social Security Administration’s (SSA) efforts to ensure timely disbursements, especially as we approach August 2024.

Understanding the upcoming changes, the payment schedule, and how to manage your finances effectively will help you make the most of these payments. Let’s dive into the details to see what this means for you.

SSI Payment Schedule and Amounts

SSI recipients are scheduled to receive up to $943 within the next two weeks. The SSA has announced that August 2024 will see two SSI payments due to the peculiarities of the calendar. Typically, SSI payments are issued on the first of each month.

However, because September 1 falls on a weekend, the SSA will issue the September payment on August 30. This means recipients will receive their regular August payment on August 1 and an advance payment for September on August 30.

Here’s a quick look at the August payment schedule:

  • August 1, 2024: Regular monthly payment.
  • August 30, 2024: Advance payment for September.

Understanding the Maximum SSI Payment

The maximum SSI benefit an individual can receive is $943 per month. However, the actual amount varies based on factors such as income, living situation, and state supplements. For married couples, the combined benefit can be up to $1,415 per month, while essential persons (those living with someone receiving SSI) can receive up to $472 per month.

Breakdown of Payment Amounts:

  • Individuals: Up to $943 per month.
  • Married Couples: Up to $1,415 per month.
  • Essential Persons: Up to $472 per month.

The average payments also differ:

  • Individuals aged 65 or older: About $574 per month.
  • Individuals aged 18-64: About $743 per month.
  • Children: About $815 per month.

Eligibility Criteria for SSI

SSI Payment of $943 Will Be Credited in 2 Weeks – Are You Eligible?

To qualify for SSI, individuals must meet specific eligibility requirements, which include:

  • Income: Limited or no additional earnings.
  • Resources: Minimal money on hand or other assets.
  • Age/Disability: Aged 65 or older, or disabled/blind.

In addition to these criteria, retirees and recipients of Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) with low income may also qualify for SSI. This program is designed to provide additional financial support to those who need it most.

Effective Financial Planning for August Payments

With the unusual payment schedule in August, managing your finances effectively is crucial. Here are some tips to ensure financial stability:

Budget Wisely

Plan your budget to account for the early payment in late August. Treat the August 30 payment as your September payment to avoid any financial shortfalls. This approach will help you manage your funds better and ensure you have money available for the entire month of September.

Save the Advance Payment

It’s essential to resist the temptation to spend the second payment immediately. Since this payment is intended for September, setting it aside will ensure you have the necessary funds to cover your expenses for that month.

Stay Informed

Keep up with any announcements from the SSA regarding your payments. Changes in the payment schedule or other important updates can impact your financial planning, so staying informed is key to managing your finances effectively.


The dual SSI payments in August allow recipients to receive their funds slightly earlier than usual. By understanding the payment schedule, eligibility criteria, and effective budgeting strategies, recipients can better manage their finances and ensure they have the necessary funds for September.

This proactive approach will help you navigate these changes smoothly and maximize your SSI benefits.



Why are there two SSI payments in August?

The second payment is for September, sent early because September 1 falls on a weekend.

How much is the maximum SSI payment?

Up to $943 for individuals.

Can married couples receive SSI?

Yes, they can receive up to $1,415 per month.

What should I do with the second payment in August?

Save it for your September expenses.

Who is eligible for SSI?

Low-income individuals who are elderly, disabled, or blind meet specific resource criteria.

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