US Puts $20 Million Bounty on Iranian Suspect in Plot Against Top Trump Adviser

In a striking move, the United States government has offered a $20 million reward for information leading to the capture of Shahram Poursafi, an Iranian member of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).

Poursafi has been charged with orchestrating a murder-for-hire plot aimed at former U.S. national security adviser John Bolton.

This plot is part of a larger scheme by Iran to retaliate against U.S. officials, particularly from the Trump administration, for the killing of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani in 2020.

The announcement comes at a critical time, as tensions between the U.S. and Iran remain high, and threats against top U.S. officials persist.

The bounty signifies a bold step by the Biden administration in addressing Iran’s ongoing threats against former President Donald Trump and other senior officials.

US Offers $20 Million for Iranian Behind Plot Targeting Top Trump Official

The United States has announced a $20 million reward for anyone providing information that leads to the capture of Shahram Poursafi, a high-ranking Iranian official.

Poursafi has been accused of plotting the assassination of John Bolton, former national security adviser under President Trump.

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The assassination attempt is believed to be retaliation for the U.S. drone strike that killed Iranian General Qasem Soleimani in 2020.

According to U.S. officials, Poursafi attempted to hire individuals within the United States to carry out the murder, offering $300,000 for Bolton’s death and an additional $1 million for a second target.

This reward announcement highlights the severity of the ongoing threat posed by Iranian forces, particularly the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ Qods Force, of which Poursafi is a member.

U.S. officials believe that the plot is part of Iran’s broader agenda to exact revenge on key figures within the Trump administration.

Despite the reward, capturing Poursafi remains challenging, as he is believed to be safely located within Iran, a country that does not have an extradition treaty with the U.S.

The Plot Against John Bolton

Shahram Poursafi’s alleged plot against John Bolton came to light in October 2021 and persisted until April 2022.

During this time, Poursafi, using criminal intermediaries in the United States, attempted to organize Bolton’s assassination in Washington, D.C.

The offer of $300,000 for Bolton’s life was part of a larger effort to target U.S. officials responsible for the decision to eliminate Qasem Soleimani, a key Iranian military leader.

According to the criminal complaint, Poursafi coordinated the plot remotely from Iran, engaging with potential assassins who were, unbeknownst to him, working with U.S. law enforcement.

He even suggested future assassination opportunities for the hired individuals, further underscoring the gravity of the threat.

US Puts $20 Million Bounty on Iranian Suspect in Plot Against Top Trump Adviser

This revelation has caused major concern within the U.S. government, as it showcases the lengths Iran is willing to go in its retaliation efforts.

Iran’s Broader Retaliation Strategy

Iran’s plot to assassinate U.S. officials, including John Bolton, reflects the country’s ongoing retaliation strategy in response to the 2020 drone strike that killed Qasem Soleimani.

Soleimani was a major figure within Iran’s military apparatus, and his death was a significant blow to Iran’s influence in the Middle East.

Since then, Iran has reportedly been working to exact revenge on those involved in the strike, particularly high-profile figures like Bolton and potentially even former President Donald Trump.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken confirmed that Iran’s threats against U.S. officials remain “real and specific,” with both current and former government officials being targeted.

The involvement of Iran’s Qods Force, the IRGC’s paramilitary unit, in these plots only emphasizes the depth of the regime’s desire for vengeance.

The U.S. Response to Iran’s Threats

In response to the ongoing threats from Iran, the U.S. government has made it clear that it will not tolerate attempts to harm its officials, past or present.

The $20 million bounty on Shahram Poursafi demonstrates the seriousness with which the Biden administration is treating the situation.

While the bounty is significant, some experts, such as Matthew Levitt, a senior fellow at The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, believe that capturing Poursafi may still prove difficult as he is likely in Iran and beyond U.S. reach.

Despite these challenges, former national security adviser John Bolton has praised the U.S. government’s efforts to bring Poursafi to justice.

He emphasized the importance of treating the situation not only as a law enforcement issue but also as a national security concern.

Bolton has urged the Biden administration to take a stronger stance against Iran’s aggressive actions, stating that such threats could escalate into acts of war if not addressed properly.

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The Larger Implications of Iran’s Actions

Iran’s continued plotting against U.S. officials raises concerns about the future of U.S.-Iran relations. With no formal diplomatic ties and ongoing hostilities, the assassination plots further strain any hope of easing tensions between the two nations.

Moreover, the targeting of high-profile figures like John Bolton and potentially Donald Trump serves as a reminder of the lingering animosities resulting from the 2020 drone strike.

For the U.S., the ongoing threat from Iran necessitates a balanced approach of both law enforcement and military readiness.

As tensions rise, experts believe that the U.S. must be prepared to defend its officials from retaliation, while also exploring avenues for diplomatic resolution where possible.

The $20 million reward for Poursafi’s capture is just one step in this complex and dangerous geopolitical landscape.

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